Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Great Benefits of Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave Therapy is extremely effective technology used to treat muscle aches and pains. The handpiece contains a projectile that is accelerated through the electromagnetic transfer of kinetic energy. This kinetic energy is then transformed into impact energy in the applicator head. This impact energy creates a wave effect in the tissue reducing muscle tone, decreasing pain and increasing the ability to heal chronic hard to treat injuries. Treatment with Shockwave Therapy leads to quick healing response and a decreased amount of treatments necessary.

Here is a list of injuries that we have healed with Shockwave Therapy in 3 visits or less:
  •  Plantar Fascitis
  • Achilles Tendonitis
  • Peroneal Tendonitis
  • IT Band Pain
  • Hip Pain (Muscular)
  • Gluteus Medius Syndrome
  • Piriformis Syndrome
  • Lower Back Pain
  • Mid Back Pain
  • Neck Pain
  • Muscle Knots and Trigger Points
  • Rotator Cuff Injuries
  • Shoulder Pain
 Call Sports Chiropractic and Natural Health Solutions at (561) 313-9117 to set up your treatment.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Why does pain get better when we start moving?

Ever wonder why pain gets better when you start moving?  This is a common statement I often hear from patients in our office.  Usually the patient will tell me that their pain hurts worse at night and in the morning when they get out of bed, but they feel better as they move throughout the day.  The reason for this was explained well on page 17 of Dr. Kelly Starrett’s book “Becoming a Supple Leopard”.  

 Dr. Starrett says:

 “The human animal is set up for survival.  Your central nervous system (CNS) controls the sensory and mechanical information for the entire body.  It’s not an accident that the pain and movement pathways in the brainstem are one and the same.  If a child bangs her finger, the first thing she does is to start moving it around.  Why?  She can no longer hear the pain signal along with the movement signal.  This is a very elegant system to keep people moving and surviving because it literally relegates those pesky pain signals to background noise, which you can’t hear until you stop moving.  Put another way, movement (sensory input) overrides the pain signal so that you can continue moving, exercising and training.  No wonder your shoulder starts to throb when you lie down and go to sleep.  Your brain is no longer receiving any movement signal input.  All your brain gets now is full-blown pain.”

Basically, the take home message from this is:

          1.)    Exercise is a great natural pain reliever.  However, make sure to choose exercises that do not aggravate your condition.

          2.)   Pain is a lagging indicator.  This means that pain happens after the fact that something is wrong.  Poor movement is the true predictor of future pain.  Identifying and restoring proper movement can help reduce pain and improve your performance. 
          3.)    Address the issue.  Use pain as a signal that something has gone wrong and it needs to be addressed either with self-therapy such as stretching, foam rolling, lacrosse ball mashing, stabilizing exercises, etc.  or have it check out by a qualified professional that studies movement dysfunction.

         4.)    Read the book Becoming a Supple Leopard.  Dr. Starrett is a genius at teaching people how to identify movement dysfunction and give corrective strategies on how to fix it.

         Stay Healthy My Friends,

         Dr. Todd Rodman, DC, CCSP, CSCS

Sunday, August 24, 2014

30 Day Challenge - What would you like to change?

Lately I find myself making excuses to get things done.  Some of the things that I wanted to do were to wake up early to exercise before work and to read certain books that have been sitting on my shelf.  I came across a great 3 minute talk from Matt Cutts who talks about trying something new for 30 days.  He says the trick is to have short sustainable goals that will be easy to achieve, this way you are more likely to get them done.  My first 30 day challenge will be to read at least 10 pages a day of a book that I would like to read (Pain Free by Pete Egoscue and Supple Leopard by Kelly Starrett).  I will continue to add something for 30 days or take something away for 30 days and let you about the outcome.  Do you have anything that you want to start or stop?  Don't wait for the New Year's resolution to begin something new - get a head start and do your 30 challenge now. 

Here is the video that I watched:

What ideas do you have for your 30 day challenge?  Any challenges that you would like us to try (don't get too crazy here :) )?  Please share on our facebook page:

Stay Healthy My Friends,

Dr. T-Rod

Monday, July 21, 2014

Complimentary Slow Motion Analysis

So I thought my squat was pretty good - good depth below 90 degrees, lower back stays neutral, heels stay on the ground.  Thanks to my new slow motion technology with line drawing abilities I was able to pick up on my left knee significantly higher than the right.  Combine this asymmetry with hundreds of squats per week and I am at a pretty high risk of overuse injury.  With this finding I know where I need to focus on my mobility work. 

If you have any pain with certain CrossFit lifts, feel imbalanced or want me to analyze your symmetry email me over a video and I will take a look at it for you and possibly give you ideas on how you can correct the problem through mobility, stretching and strengthening.  I will be offering this complimentary until 8/30/2014 - take advantage.

Stay Strong,

Dr. T-Rod

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Understanding Why Running Injuries Occur

There are 5280 feet in a mile.  The average runners stride 
length is around 2 to 3 feet.  During each mile a runners 
feet will strike the ground over 2000 times. When running 
our feet strike the ground at approximately 2.5 times our 
body weight.  Most marathoners run an average of 5 to 10 
miles per run.  This equals about 10,000 to 20,000 foot 
strikes during a daily run.  Most running injuries occur 
due to the repetition of running, the amount of force on the 
muscles and joints with landing mixed with the combination of
an imbalance in the musculoskeletal system.  At Sports 
Chiropratic we can prevent a serious injury from occurring by 
detecting these imbalances and unwinding the tightness that 
has developed from the overuse of running. Please think of 
Sports Chiropractic for yourself or anyone that you know that
doesn't want to risk an injury while training for a race,
marathon, triathlon or any sport.
Stay Healthy My Friends,
Dr. Todd Rodman, D.C., C.C.S.P., C.S.C.S. 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Injury Causing Machines - #2 Seated Hip Abduction

Here it is, gym machine #2 to avoid - Seated Hip Abduction.  This machine has been touted as one of the best butt building machines, what it really does is build great pains in the butt.  Hip abduction (abduction – to take a body part away from the mid line) can be a very beneficial exercise for people with weak glutes/hips, runners and most lower extremity post-surgical cases.  The problem is that the majority of people who do not fall under that category have tightness in gluteal muscles such as the piriformis, gluteus maximius and gluteus medius and this machine will make it worse.  When these specific muscles become too tight they can cause nerve entrapment to the sciatic nerve which travels adjacent to them.  

If you choose to do this machine its best to do it at a lower weight for about 3 sets of 10.  Choosing to do too much weight can cause these muscles to become tight and painful.  The machine that does the opposing muscles is called the hip adduction which targets the muscles of the groin (adductors).  Seated Hip Adduction is much better because these muscles are often weak and imbalanced with the abductor muscle group.

Stay Healthy My Friends,

Dr. Todd Rodman, D.C, C.S.C.S, C.C.S.P

Monday, April 7, 2014

Injury Causing Machines - #1 Seated Leg Press

Many people assume that if a machine is at the gym it is safe and good to use.  In reality there are machines that can cause serious injuries and should be tossed out to the curb.  This blog series will talk about the some of the worst exercises and machines that you should avoid at the gym. 

#1 - Seated leg press

Although you can probably load a ton of weight on this machine and look like a gym superhero this one is my #1 least favorite.  I cannot tell you how many times I have had a patient present to my office with using this machine as the reason for their lower back injury.  Let me explain why:

        1.)    It’s seated – Sitting increases pressure on the intervertebral discs of the lower (lumbar) spine.  Many people already have problems with their lumbar discs due to the overbearing anatomical loading on this area.  Placing the discs in a seated position increases the pressure on them and makes them vulnerable to injury.    
        2.)  Knees to chest – This also increases lumbar disc pressure and rounds the curve of the lower back which pushes the disc posterior into the spinal canal where your spinal cord and spinal nerves are…OUCH!

        3.)  Massive weight – The reason why most people love this machine is because it uses our biggest, strongest muscles the quadriceps.  This machine can strengthen these muscles but the heavy weight puts a tremendous amount of a force on the discs of the lower back.  If you want to strengthen the legs there are many variations of squats and lunges that are not as risky and will get you the same results.

Check back soon for some more injury making machines to walk past and let collect dust.

Stay Healthy My Friends,

Dr. Todd Rodman, D.C., C.C.S.P., C.S.C.S.