Monday, April 7, 2014

Injury Causing Machines - #1 Seated Leg Press

Many people assume that if a machine is at the gym it is safe and good to use.  In reality there are machines that can cause serious injuries and should be tossed out to the curb.  This blog series will talk about the some of the worst exercises and machines that you should avoid at the gym. 

#1 - Seated leg press

Although you can probably load a ton of weight on this machine and look like a gym superhero this one is my #1 least favorite.  I cannot tell you how many times I have had a patient present to my office with using this machine as the reason for their lower back injury.  Let me explain why:

        1.)    It’s seated – Sitting increases pressure on the intervertebral discs of the lower (lumbar) spine.  Many people already have problems with their lumbar discs due to the overbearing anatomical loading on this area.  Placing the discs in a seated position increases the pressure on them and makes them vulnerable to injury.    
        2.)  Knees to chest – This also increases lumbar disc pressure and rounds the curve of the lower back which pushes the disc posterior into the spinal canal where your spinal cord and spinal nerves are…OUCH!

        3.)  Massive weight – The reason why most people love this machine is because it uses our biggest, strongest muscles the quadriceps.  This machine can strengthen these muscles but the heavy weight puts a tremendous amount of a force on the discs of the lower back.  If you want to strengthen the legs there are many variations of squats and lunges that are not as risky and will get you the same results.

Check back soon for some more injury making machines to walk past and let collect dust.

Stay Healthy My Friends,

Dr. Todd Rodman, D.C., C.C.S.P., C.S.C.S.

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